terça-feira, 14 de maio de 2013

O talento bem empregado nos fazem novamente chamados à casa do PAI.

 Oi amigas(os) linda semaninha a todos vocês.

 "As coisas mais sensatas da vida, são aquelas que fizemos e deixamos de recordação para as pessoas que sonham em um dia serem pessoas... "Loucas", porém felizes e contentes para Deus!"

 Neste mundo todos deveriam agir com mais maturidade  nunca devemos depositar em nós expectativas de vitórias, porque muitas veses a esperança há  alguma coisa ou melhor a algo dá errado ou sai de forma como não imaginavamos, iremos ter a sensação que devemos esmorecer diante deste mundo tão cheio de conturbação, por isso é muito bom saber com toda exatidão que viemos ao mundo não somente para sermos felizes. Na verdade é que muitas vezes, somos dominados por desgaste, cansaço ou até mesmo uma certa desesperança no amanhã. Mas, devemos respirar fundo e não perder tempo com essas constatações momentâneas e de certa maneira, inúteis. O tempo não para, nem permite demora e a cada dia estamos presenciando a vida passar por nós. Os relógios de hoje em dia parecem acelerar o tempo fora dos padrões normais.  Devemos nos lembrar sempre que a oportunidade de estarmos aqui neste mundo nos foi concebida com muito amor e esperança, pelo nosso Mestre Maior  Jesus  Cristo. Então!?  Todos os nossos planos, êxito em inumeros objetivos que foram  traçados não por aqui mas sim nos planos de Deus.
...Na vida de cada um de nós existe um propósito maior, ou seja em que grau for,  isso na intimidade de uma única vida, ou de uma multidão de vidas e o maior talento que nos foi confiado por Deus, pode ter certeza é cada qual com o seu papel  é o talento de: amar. de perdoar, de ouvir, de acolher, de esclarecer. No entanto sabendo disso não devemos perder tempo com as lamentações do dia a dia. 
... Entretanto agindo com  maturidade espiritual... Vamos voltar... Vamos de novo ser chamados à casa do Pai, e certamente iremos com mais tranquilidade em relação ao dever cumprido e ao talento bem empregado.

Beijinhos no coração de cada um de vocês!!!...

sexta-feira, 10 de maio de 2013

Mãe, te amo.

Ei amigos(as)  esta simpres homenagem vou compartilhar com todos vocês.

...Mãe! A senhora é um presente de Deus para minha vida! Mãe, receba todo meu carinho... e agora gostaria que meu agradecimento soasse mais forte do que todas os outros dias, porque hoje mãe, é seu dia. Do seu coração eu sei minha mãezinha que sempre brota um gesto novo de amor e carinho quando me vê,  a senhora  é capaz de esquecer sofrimentos e dores só pra me ver feliz. Mas em especial hoje quero fazer uma prece muito sincera pedindo a Deus para abençoar esta criaturinha tão encantadora que me deu a vida. Mãe sua bondade e ternura me falam de Deus-amor! a senhora me faz sentir que a vida é bela, cheinha de cores, de encantos, de hamonia e doçura!  Áh  minha mãe quantas coisas gostaria de dizer neste momento o que sinto pela senhora.  Mãe vou dizer um segredo muito especial: Sabe? Eu te adoro e sei perfeitamente que do seu coração sempre está brotando sentimentos nobres por mim. Mãe a senhora é o mair bem que tenho neste mundo, a senhora é o meu patromônio.  
...Olhando para o céu, venho contemplar o grande tesouro de paz, sabedoria, paciência, bondade ternura acolhimento que me permeia o seu ser.
Muitas vezes quando a vida me parece difícil, pensando  na senhora mãe me faz crer que vale a pena viver a vida quando entregue por amor, surge novas esperanças e meu olhar volta brilhar. Enfim. 
Mãe a senhora sempre espera de braços abertos o filho ou a filha que precisa mais uma vez do seu aconchego da sua compreenção do seu carinho, como se fosse a primeira vez.
Mãe, a senhora és a única pessoa do mundo que sempre está presente em nossas vidas. de forma incondicional.

Obrigada por seres minha mãe, minha amiga incondicional.
Parabéns pelo seu dia MÃE.


A Imagem do dia deve ser indicada  entre as imagens. Qualquer áudio ou vídeo pode correntemente ser indicado para figurar como o Áudio/vídeo do dia, mas por favor certifique-se de que não se trata de uma possível violação de direitos de autor.

Vejam a maravilha das Imagens.



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English : Interior of Saint-Maimbœuf Church in Montbéliard (Doubs, France), taken in HDR.

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English : This is a very high detailed animation of Mount Everest. It was created by scientists of the German Aerospace Center.



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English : The Mona Lisa.

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English : "Darién Gap", track 1 on Josh Woodward's 2007 album Not Quite Connected


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English : Citroën DS, 1956, 1911 cm³ engine displacement, 55kW / 75hp, 155 km/h.

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English : Final of the Challenge Réseau Ferré de France–Trophée Monal 2012 (épée world cup tournament in Paris): Diego Confalonieri (left) and Fabian Kauter (right).

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English : Mehndi is the application of henna as a temporary form of skin decoration in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh as well as by expatriate communities from those countries.
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English : Volcanic rock strata on Tenerife.

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English  : A dramatisation of the trial of the Chartists at Shire Hall, Monmouth, including background information. Actors are playing the parts of John Frost, explaining the demands of the chartists; Thomas Phillips, witness for the prosecution, mayor of Newport; Lord Chief Justice Tindal, explaining treason



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English : A European Barn Swallow, also known as Hirundo rustica, pauses to rest on a fence post beside a freshwater lake on Lindisfarne Island.



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English : The western departures concourse of London King's Cross railway station, which opened on the 19th March 2012.

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English : Standard size Tidal bore, close to Hangzhou (China) first bridge city.



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English : Vultures in the nest (Gyps indicus), Orchha, Madhya Pradesh, India.

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English : A computer generated flyby of Mount St. Helens (24s).



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English : An Antonov An-124-100 (RA-82028) of 224th Flight Unit inflight with 2 Sukhoi Su-27s of the Falcons of Russia aerobatic team, as part of the flyover contingent for the 2010 Moscow Victory Day Parade.

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English : Male Thaumatomyia notata fanning its wings to disperse pheromones from abdominal sacs.



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English  : Kiril Lazarov, Macedonian handball player, playing for RK Zagreb, on August 22nd, 2009 in Ehingen (Germany), during the Schlecker Cup 2009.

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English : A male Marsh Frog (Pelophylax ridibundus) calling to attract a mate. Vocal sacs are inflated and deflated to amplify the call. Other frogs can be heard but not seen on the video.



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English : Male nilgais fighting (Boselaphus tragocamelus), Lakeshwari, Gwalior district, India.

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English : A woman using a keypunch to tabulate the United States Census, circa 1940 .

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English : Flying robot (helium balloon) at the salon de la robotique, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2012



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English : Hindu Bride, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

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English : Chestnut-headed Bee-eater (Merops leschenaulti), Kaeng Krachan, Phetchaburi, Thailand



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English : Lt. Col. Gabriel Green and Capt. Zachary Bartoe patrol the airspace in an F-15E Strike Eagle as the Space Shuttle Atlantis launches May 14, 2010, at Kennedy Space Center, Fla.

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English : The detailed images recorded by SDO over the last year have helped scientists uncover new secrets about the sun.



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English : A view of the lake Bondhus in Norway. In the background a view of the Bondhus Glacier as a part of the Folgefonna Glacier.

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English : 70 years ago today, Electric Earthquake, the seventh of the 1940s Superman animated Technicolor short films, was released.



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English : Strobilurus esculentus (stipe), Family: Physalacriaceae, Location: Southern Germany, Biberach a. d. Riss.

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English : NGC 2683 is a spiral galaxy seen almost edge-on, giving it the shape of a classic science fiction spaceship.

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English : There is Echo Basin in Washington state (often mistaken for “Frenchman Coulee” which is the basin just north of Echo, on the other side of the Old Vantage Hwy)



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English  : Northeast Pavilion. View of Mural and coffers in Ceiling dome. Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C.

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English : Self-playing piano (so-called "player piano") from 1920 manufactured by Steinway & Sons. The recording is an excerpt of Saint-Saëns' piano concerto No. 2 played by pianist Harold Bauer.



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English : Taj Mahal viewed through a neighbouring arch, Agra, India.

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English : Harvest of white asparagus at Hockenheim, Germany.



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English : The Torch Bearers, sculpture by Anna Hyatt Huntington about the transmission of knowledge from one generation to a newer one; located in Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid, Spain.

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English : A native of a Brazilian village.

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English : Work on potter's wheel, Opishnya, Poltava Oblast, central Ukraine, 2011.



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English : Skull and neck vertebrae cast of an Allosaurus fragilis specimen from Utah, USA, on display in the Galerie de paléontologie et d'anatomie comparée, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.

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English : Video of a cuttlefish in its natural habitat



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English : Crab spider (Xysticus sp.) lurking on Marsh Cranesbill (Geranium palustre) in Oberursel, Germany.

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English : The Japanese fishing vessel, Ryou-Un Maru, is sunk in the Gulf of Alaska after receiving significant damage from the Coast Guard Cutter Anancapa crew firing explosive ammunition into it 180 miles west of the Southeast Alaskan coast on April 5, 2012. The crew was successful and sank the vessel at 6:15 p.m. in 6,000 feet of water by using explosive ammunition and filling it with water.



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English : The chemical element bismuth as a synthetic made crystals. The surface is oxide free. Additional a high purity (99.99 %) 1 cm³ bismuth cube for comparison.

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English : A Leaf-miner fly (Melanagromyza sp.) lays eggs into the stem of Anthriscus sylvestris.



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English : Hippopotami (Hippopotamus amphibius) at the Whipsnade Zoo in Dagnall, England.

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English : Dynamics of fMRI-based neurofeedback training: sensorimotor cortices responsible for finger movements. Left and right sensorimotor cortices (SMC) were identified on single subject level using a functional localizer task (green blobs). During four weeks of training (three sessions per week), the fMRI signal difference between the left and right SMC, elicited by motor imagery, was visually presented to the subjects in real time. Each session consisted of two runs of right-sided and left-sided imaginary movements each. For a successful subject, each run was analyzed using FSL and thresholded using iterative two-threshold analysis (Abstract number: 5312). Activation (red-yellow) and deactivation maps (blue-white) were overlaid on the subject’s cortical surface reconstructed using Freesurfer.
The videos demonstrate that, during the initial sessions the right-hand training recruits an ipsilateral deactivation, whereas the left-hand training elicits a higher contralateral activation. In the second half of the training sessions the ipsilateral deactivation vanishes and the strength of the contralateral activation reaches a plateau for both hands.



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English : Broadway Tower, an English folly.

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English : Launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying a Dragon capsule for the NASA sponsored COTS Combined Demo Flight 2 & 3. The vehicle launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, on May 22, 2012, at 07:44:33 UTC



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English : Alena Zavarzina, Russian snowboarder

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English : Ring of Fire Eclipse as seen from the Chico Community Observatory on May 20, 2012. This sequence is at about double speed and taken with a Coronado 60mm Solar telescope.



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English : Durdle Door is a natural limestone arch on the Jurassic Coast in Dorset, England.

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English  : This video shows, How A Sheet Cutter Machine Works in a paper factory. In this sheet cutter, cuts paper from large paper rolls to suitable size of sheet.



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English : Steinway & Sons upright piano in high polish polyester finish, model K‑132 (height: 132 cm / 52 in, width: 152.5 cm / 60 in, depth: 68 cm / 26.8 in, weight: approx. 305 kg / 670 lb).

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English : Video on a petition to US president Obama to "Make Publicly Funded Research Freely Available".



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English : View of a canal in the centre of Ghent, Belgium.

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English : A couple of Tachypeza nubila (Hyobatidae)shows its special copulation behaviour.



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English : Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) portrait at the Whipsnade Zoo in Dagnall, England.

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English : Parachuting at "Herrenteich" airfield (near Hockenheim, Germany)







Lulu Santos.

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